The University uses an emergency alerts system, called PSUAlert. Students and employees are automatically enrolled in the system via their Penn State email address. You are strongly encouraged to take a few minutes now to add your cell phone number and other contact information to the system by visiting the PSUAlert portal at There, you can also manage your campus subscriptions to ensure that you will receive alerts from all desired Penn State campuses. Taking these brief steps now will help authorities to reach you with critical information in the event of an emergency.
As a student, faculty member or staff member, you will receive all future emergency alerts for your home campus at your Penn State email address. By visiting the PSUAlert portal at and logging in using your Penn State Access Account user ID and password, you also can sign up to receive emergency alerts:
- By text message at as many as three cellphone numbers (including the option to receive alerts by automated voice message)
- By email at two addresses (in addition to your Penn State email address)
- By automated voice message at up to three phone numbers (cellphone or landline)
To sign up, and for more information including answers to frequently asked questions, go to
If you have questions, contact Brian Hart at [email protected] or PSUAlert Support at [email protected].
Current and Past Alerts
You may now view current and past alerts even without signing up for PSUAlert.
Penn State DuBois | PSUAlert | Penn State Account Management